Potpourri: Dave Perloff Takes Over The Hollywood Fishbowl

As soon as the podcast leaves my hands and enters Dave’s, we go to the big ones - religion and politics. Dave is a man of opinions and convictions and the dialog is a lively one. When we turn to the fishbowl, we pull questions about mischief on set, bitcoin (courtesy of Lars @kommienezuspadt), heroes and heroines and favorite films! After all of that, we’re out with some good advice on not punching people in the face. Don’t punch people in the face!

Season 02 Episode 17
Background: Dave Perloff Takes Over The Hollywood Fishbowl

Recorded on April 11, 2019
Released on April 23, 2019
Episode Duration: 00:58:26

Dave Perloff can be found on Instagram @riceperloff.
Hollywood Fishbowl can be found on Instagram and Twitter @HWFishbowl and at www.hollywoodfishbowl.com.

JJ Koester

Artist and filmmaker operating in the greater global area.


Storytelling: Nutschell Windsor Takes Exquisite Corpse To The Next Level


Background: Dave Perloff Advocates For Silence Vocally