Background Actors: Anna Jensen Taylor Is An Open Book
You don’t know where this episode is headed. Trust me. Just when you think you’ve got Anna pegged, she hits you with another sucker punch.
Anna is not your average... anything, really. From her early days in an authoritarian Jewish upbringing to her years as a behavioral science major in school to her time as a nude house keeper. Anna has contended with addiction, sobriety and toxic relationships, be they romantic or familial. How does she describe herself now? As a g-rated hobo. Truth be told, this interview bears that out.
Once we turn to the fishbowl, we pull out Solutions, Jokes (Huzzah!) & The Sexiest Thing!
Also... Moon Child. the Princess’ name in Neverending Story is Moon Child.
Background Actors: Morgan Hill Needs No Safety Net
What better way to celebrate Mother’s Day than by recording an episode of The Hollywood Fishbowl with Morgan Hill, a bonafide mother, daughter, actor and human!
Coming from Utah (by way of Las Vegas), Morgan swims loud and proud in The Hollywood Fishbowl. We get into those big boggling life questions about childhood, motherhood, life, death and all those nameless delights in between. Don’t worry; it all stays very light and breezy throughout. When we finally get to the fishbowl, we pull some doozies. Cards include (but are not limited to) Jokes, NDA, Tales From Holding and a new one, Speak German. Suffice to say, I am very happy Speak German is in that fishbowl.
Morgan can be found on Instagram @molizah and on Twitter @MHFineArtist
Hollywood Fishbowl can be found on Instagram and Twitter @HWFishbowl and at