Mini-Sode JJ Koester Mini-Sode JJ Koester

Mini-Sode: The Esther/Koester Sequester Fest!

In which Swinky and Pyuu distance themselves from everything except for the laundry room and mailbox.

We’re on voluntary lockdown! Won’t you join us? No, really. Please join us. We’d love love it if we all came together (separately, of course) in an effort to slow the spread of Covid-19. In this episode, we talk about what a unique week it’s been, breaking the developments down day by day and the impact the virus has had on our lives and our hearts. The highs have been high. The lows have been low. But on we go and on we go. As always, thanks for listening!

Season 03 Episode 10
Mini-Sode: The Esther/Koester Sequester Fest!

Recorded on March 16, 2020
Released on March 17, 2020
Episode Duration: 00:51:59

Jesse can be found on Instagram @jjkoester and on the web at

Swinky can be found on Twitter & Instagram @swinkymusic and on the web at

Hollywood Fishbowl can be found on Instagram and Twitter @HWFishbowl and at

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