Comedy - Madeline Wager Takes Drip Dry Dracula And Runs With It

We know Madeline Wager first as Greasy Bouffanti and second as Krafty Karen and third as Tammercising Tammy. Today, we finally get to sit down and know the woman behind all of the characters. Madeline walks us through her time in Chicago and her move out to LA as well as her insight into developing characters. To find out which of her characters were birthed from an oddly-pronounced word, which was birthed from a thrift-store find, and which comes from the world of arm wrestling, you have to listen. When we turn to the Fishbowl, we pull questions about film role usurping and what you’d like to be remembered for. As always, thanks for listening! #dripdrydracula

Season 02 Episode 46
Comedy - Madeline Wager Drips & Dries Dracula

Recorded on October 16, 2019
Released on November 11, 2019
Episode Duration: 01:07:26

Madeline Wager can be found on Twitter @MadelineWager, Instagram @madwages and on the web at

Swinky can be found on Instagram @swinkymusic and online at

Hollywood Fishbowl can be found on Instagram and Twitter @HWFishbowl and at

JJ Koester

Artist and filmmaker operating in the greater global area.

Mini-Sode 002 - The Great Hollywood Settle Continues


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