Comedy JJ Koester Comedy JJ Koester

Comedy - Madeline Wager Takes Drip Dry Dracula And Runs With It

Madeline Wager is a singularity who contains multitudes and we got many of her on the show!

We know Madeline Wager first as Greasy Bouffanti and second as Krafty Karen and third as Tammercising Tammy. Today, we finally get to sit down and know the woman behind all of the characters. Madeline walks us through her time in Chicago and her move out to LA as well as her insight into developing characters. To find out which of her characters were birthed from an oddly-pronounced word, which was birthed from a thrift-store find, and which comes from the world of arm wrestling, you have to listen. When we turn to the Fishbowl, we pull questions about film role usurping and what you’d like to be remembered for. As always, thanks for listening! #dripdrydracula

Season 02 Episode 46
Comedy - Madeline Wager Drips & Dries Dracula

Recorded on October 16, 2019
Released on November 11, 2019
Episode Duration: 01:07:26

Madeline Wager can be found on Twitter @MadelineWager, Instagram @madwages and on the web at

Swinky can be found on Instagram @swinkymusic and online at

Hollywood Fishbowl can be found on Instagram and Twitter @HWFishbowl and at

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Comedy JJ Koester Comedy JJ Koester

Comedy - Kristen Studdard Takes Us To The Magical Church Of Michael

In which Kristen Studard takes over The Hollywood Fishbowl.

You’ve heard Part I of the II-Part conversation with Kristen Studard. Now, it’s time for Part II of the II-Part conversation! We’ve given the reins to Kristen and she makes the most of her time as host of the show by showering praise on Magical Michael II: Extra Extra Large. Always the contrarian, Jesse runs a vibrant campaign for the dominance of Madeline Maxine III: Furious Roads as the most feminist film of all time. Because that’s what men do. When we get to The Fishbowl, we pull questions about solution, memories (courtesy of @phoeborama), love and loss (courtesy of @rrybrator) and friendly regrets. As always, thank you for listening!

Season 02 Episode 43
Comedy - Kristen Studard Takes Us To The Magical Church Of Michael

Recorded on September 21, 2019
Released on October 17, 2019
Episode Duration: 01:01:22

Kristen Studard can be found on Twitter & Instagram @kstud and on the web at

Hollywood Fishbowl can be found on Instagram and Twitter @HWFishbowl and at

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Comedy JJ Koester Comedy JJ Koester

Comedy - Kristen Does Her Best (And It’s Damn Good)

In which we meet the comedian behind the mad-cap brilliance of Ricky Burbank.

You know Kristen Studard from her appearances on Tim Robinson’s Has This Ever Happened To You (fun fact, Kristen’s episode also had Fishbowl Alumn Morgan Eliza Hill in it!) and Modern Family. But, we know her as the brilliant mind behind Ricky Burbank, The King Of the Valley Bros. In this conversation, Swinky and Jesse track the evolution of Kristen’s career from her childhood to landing in LA to finally cracking the shell and finding a life and career here. Also, great news! Kristen was in no rush so there’s a second part coming to this interview! As always, thank you for listening!

Season 02 Episode 42
Comedy - Kristen Does Her Best (And It’s Damn Good)

Recorded on September 21, 2019
Released on October 15, 2019
Episode Duration: 01:17:56

Kristen Studard can be found on Twitter & Instagram @kstud and on the web at
Hollywood Fishbowl can be found on Instagram and Twitter @HWFishbowl and at

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Comedy JJ Koester Comedy JJ Koester

Comedy - Ryan Barton Joins Us In Blowing Out The Mics

In which we welcome improv comedian, drag racer and filmmaker Ryan Barton to the program.

We wanted him! We got him! Welcome to the show, Ryan Barton! After working together for over a year on UCB Drag Race, we’re thrilled to get to know the man behind the all-star-status queen Bottomless Mimosa. With a year of history and hardly 3 prior conversations between Jesse and Ryan, there’s a lot to get into. The conversation winds from Ryan’s early years finding his way in comedy to a shocking revelation that co-host Jesse never saw coming (hint: not all comedians want to be actors). Swinky’s along for the ride on this one and she brings her own set of enthusiastic questions and concerns to the conversation. As always, thank you for listening!

Season 02 Episode 41
Comedy - Ryan Barton Joins Us In Blowing Out The Mics

Recorded on September 14, 2019
Released on October 8, 2019
Episode Duration: 01:08:22

Ryan Barton can be found on Instagram @rrybrator.
Hollywood Fishbowl can be found on Instagram and Twitter @HWFishbowl and at

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Comedy JJ Koester Comedy JJ Koester

Improv Comedy: Jacquie Waldman Harmonizes

From performance to production, Jacquie feels at home in the theatre. On this episode, she shares her journey into the world of Improv Comedy and insight into how she keeps the passion alive.

She’ll getcha with them finger guns!

She’ll getcha with them finger guns!

Jacquie is one of those artists who arts all kinds of art. But, the theatre is where she seems to feel most at home. Whether it’s on stage, behind the lighting board or putting out fires as a producer, she spends more time creating than not. It’s that openness and creative drive that brought her to LA and led her to the world of improv, eventually nabbing a position as producer of UCB Drag Race. After walking us through all of that, we dive into The Fishbowl and pull out Fantasy Animals, Movie Mad Libs and WHY?

Episode Notes

Season 01 Episode 26
Improv Comedy: Jacquie Waldman Harmonizes

Recorded on October 29, 2018
Released on November 6, 2018
Episode Duration: 01:20:46

Jacquie Waldman can be found on Instagram @deer_jacquie and on the web at

Hollywood Fishbowl can be found on Instagram and Twitter @HWFishbowl and at

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Comedy JJ Koester Comedy JJ Koester

Improv Comedy: Mano Agapion Has Outgrown Disaster Videos

Mano Agapion has made the journey from North Carolina outcast to UCB Chaos Conductor. What does that kind of journey feel like? Listen and find out!


How does an internship in parsing disaster footage evolve into a comedy career? Not only does improv comedian Mano Agapion have the answer to that question, he shares it on this episode. It’s not exactly a straight line, but it’s the curves in the road that teach us the most. Not only does he talk his early days of stage work as a high school student, Mano gets into the genesis and evolution of the wildly popular UCB Drag Race. When we turn to The Fishbowl, things get uncharacteristically steamy when Mano pulls Underrated Sexual & Romantic Activities. Also, we pull not one… not two… but ALL of Carl Tart’s questions. Every. Last. One.

Episode Notes

Season 01 Episode 25
Improv Comedy: Mano Agapion Has Outgrown Disaster Videos

Recorded on October 23, 2018
Released on October 30, 2018
Episode Duration: 01:16:53

Mano Agapion can be found on Twitter and Instagram @manoagapion.
Hollywood Fishbowl can be found on Instagram and Twitter @HWFishbowl and at

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