Indie Musicians: Tony Glaser Is The Love Doctor

Bass player, singer and man about town Tony Glaser has just completed one year of Morning Bass Lines, a new single and a cracking music video. How does he celebrate? By coming on The Fishbowl, of course! We chuck it all down, from love to art to music to cooking and then we build it all back up. When we turn to the bowl for questions, we pull an @iamkatefaust classic about Seal, a question about compromised morals from @rksuttle and one from @charlesjensen about friendly betrayals. As always, thank you for listening!

Episode Notes
Season 02 Episode 34
Indie Musicians: Tony Glaser Is The Love Doctor

Recorded on July 24, 2019
Released on September 3, 2019
Episode Duration: 01:47:51

Tony Glaser can be found on Instagram @tonyglasermusic and on the web at

Hollywood Fishbowl can be found on Instagram and Twitter @HWFishbowl and at

JJ Koester

Artist and filmmaker operating in the greater global area.

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